I saw the world in black and white instead of the vibrant colours and shades I knew existed. Katie McGarry Even Then Sometimes in life it’s easy to give up on people. It’s easy to feel alone. Maybe you feel down, uninvited, not chosen. Social media might steal your time a little too much, and …
Today I Bought Myself Flowers
Today I Bought Myself Flowers Every flower must grow through dirt. ~Laurie Jean Sennott Today I bought myself flowers, bright and colorful from the store. I put them in a vase with water, and I knew what they were for. I sat there and I stared at them, then I moved them place to place. …
I Didn’t Know
Only Seven I didn’t know that it was so difficult to make a decision to put your child on medicine. I have taught at all grade levels in public school across three counties, K-12. Learning about so many young kids being on medicine was a shock to me. ADHD, Anxiety, and Depression were the most …