It’s ok…to Not be Gifted I have been teaching since 2006 and working full time with gifted students since 2013. I have lived and breathed AIG in these past 7 years. I’ve been all in. I love my students and their families and I love to see creative programs that challenge students and help them …
A Gifted Kid is Still a Kid
“Summer will end soon enough, and childhood as well.” –George R.R. Martin, A Game of Thrones Too much enrichment? As a teacher of gifted students and a parent of a gifted student, I can confidently say that regardless of having many talents and academic abilities, a gifted kid is still a kid. I am a …
More Specific on AIG Identification
We must be more specific on AIG identification. Clear & Equitable Guidelines Do you know what’s incredibly frustrating after being an AIG Facilitator in North Carolina for 6 years? Updating DEP’s over these 6 years for students who have been identified as gifted, but they are not gifted. I don’t mean that they don’t act …