
Why I Fill the Easter Baskets

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Elijah O’Donnell at Pexels

Eggs, Bunnies, and Baskets

Each Easter morning, my girls will have an Easter basket filled with special things. Every year, I plan ahead and get a few fun candy items and some memorable items that they will enjoy. I spend way too much time on the gathering and setting up. Just when I think I’m done, something else catches my eye. I fill a few more eggs. Buy one more pack of cheap Easter grass. What is the big deal? Why do I fill the Easter baskets?

Tomorrow Willow will wake up to a game called Mancala she has been begging for, for months, and Belle will have a new Pete the Cat book, a new Owl Diaries book, and Prim will have a little Paw Patrol bubble blowing machine. I like to make their baskets unique with some of their favorites. They will all have Flip a Zoo slippers they have always wanted but never gotten, and they will all have new dresses to put on right away to wear for Easter service. Willow and Belle will each have a necklace with interchangeable magnets of their very own artwork they created at their school. Easter baskets are special in my house, and my husband probably thinks it’s a bit elaborate.

We go to church and we celebrate the reason of Easter, that Jesus was crucified and rose again. Tomorrow we will watch on Facebook live since we can’t go in person. Our girls know that Easter is more than eggs and bunnies and baskets. But, still, every year they will have a basket waiting for them when their little eyes wake up and search the living room. Do you know the reason I go through all the trouble of making baskets? It’s pretty simple. I do it because my mama did it for me.

Why I Fill the Easter Baskets

Every year of my entire life I had a basket waiting on Easter morning and even now my mom makes a basket for my husband and I together, and one for all my girls. I grew up in a house where holidays were big, and the love was even bigger. Fixing baskets for my girls makes me stop and think about all the baskets my mom made, her hands as she put each item in, what my siblings and I must have looked like running into that small room, Easter grass going everywhere, eating candy for breakfast.

Excitement passes quickly as a child, and while growing up I don’t think I could ever understand or appreciate all that my mom did for us. She made every basket, and every day, better because she cared about our happiness. No matter how tired she was or how much they could have used the money for other things, she still did it every year. And now we do it for our children. So you know why I fill the Easter baskets, and maybe it’s the same reason that you do. The short answer is because my mama did, and the long answer is because love manifests itself in action.

Check out the origin of Easter traditions or shop for all kinds of cool basket surprises at Target, Dollar Tree, Faithbox, Green Kid Crafts, and Cratejoy!

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