Trust me, it’s special Today is your 18th birthday and your senior year of high school. You may not totally realize how special this is, but trust me, it’s special. Today will go by quickly, as most days do. Before you know it, you will wake up and have a career and a family of …
No, I’m Not Drunk
Not Drunk No, I am not drunk. But I just look and act like I am. I never acquired the taste for alcohol. I always saw a person who couldn’t control the amount of alcohol they ingested as weak, and I’ve always had a need to be in control. My choice of drink is Mexican …
Why I Fill the Easter Baskets
Eggs, Bunnies, and Baskets Each Easter morning, my girls will have an Easter basket filled with special things. Every year, I plan ahead and get a few fun candy items and some memorable items that they will enjoy. I spend way too much time on the gathering and setting up. Just when I think I’m …
Just Because I’m a Christian
Position of the President It seems like some people feel, strongly, that if you are a Christian you should support President Trump. I respect my President, because he’s the President, and I believe there are great things that he has done while in office. I’m sure he will continue to do some really great things …
It’s ok…to Not be Gifted
It’s ok…to Not be Gifted I have been teaching since 2006 and working full time with gifted students since 2013. I have lived and breathed AIG in these past 7 years. I’ve been all in. I love my students and their families and I love to see creative programs that challenge students and help them …
The Fisherman and the Farmer
The Fisherman and the Farmer A Tribute to My Dad The Old Man and the Sea We’ve all heard of legends like Paul Bunyon and John Henry, and Richard Winslow is such a legend to me. I can remember reading The Old Man and the Sea as a kid and thinking that Ernest Hemingway must …
8 Remote Learning Resources for Gifted Students
Some of the following resources you may have never heard of, but they are definitely worth discovering! These 8 remote learning resources for gifted students are fantastic.*Adding my newest favorite – Renzulli Learning! Free accounts for teachers now and drastically reduced rates for families! If you only try one new resource, let it be Renzulli Learning. …
Every Day is Valentine’s is a Lie
It’s a Choice I read a post circulating that said that every day is Valentine’s Day when you are with someone you really love. This, I say, is just not true. Every day is Valentine’s is a lie. The longer I am married and the longer I am alive, I am convinced more and more …
A Gifted Kid is Still a Kid
“Summer will end soon enough, and childhood as well.” –George R.R. Martin, A Game of Thrones Too much enrichment? As a teacher of gifted students and a parent of a gifted student, I can confidently say that regardless of having many talents and academic abilities, a gifted kid is still a kid. I am a …
Forever Forever
Forever Forever is a poem about how we realize and come to accept that babies don’t keep. Time passes so quickly and we have to try to cherish every moment we are given. If asked how long is Forever, forever once I would have said it sounded so long But now that you have arrived …