A New Beginning
On the first day of school, we loaded up and headed out. This is the first year my younger daughter starts school much later than my older ones, so as we drove around I had time to really take in the scenery.
I saw two parents standing outside with their child on the left, and two more parents just down the road a little to the right. They were all smiling and anxiously awaiting the bus. One group was talking. The other group was taking photos as the small child help up a tiny flag. A teenage girl turned back to look at her mom on the way to the bus and gave her a peace sign. Another mom was telling the bus driver her son was coming as she motioned for him to come out of the house. It was busy, but everyone seemed okay. They seemed happy and ready for the first day of school.
Public Education
Once I got to the schools (three different ones), I saw the administrators and teachers. I was reminded of how many people it takes for a school to run successfully. But most of all, I was reminded of what public school education means for a community.
I saw a mom, dressed professionally and looking flawless in a dress with high heels on, crying like a baby as her boys walked into elementary school. Even after they were gone from sight, she wiped tears from her eyes. Going to school is a big deal! We mark our lives and our children’s growth by each year. I always say once kids start Kindergarten it feels like time speeds up. We trust the school staff to keep everyone safe. We hope they will make good, kind friends and gain confidence. Public education is a place where every child can find a community of their own. It’s a place with many opportunities to meet the needs of all, for the good of all.
Remind Us
Join me in praying for success and joy to fill the classrooms of our schools this year. God, let it be so much that it spills over into the hallways and greets staff and students as they enter. Help us to see the full picture before we complain or judge. Help us to lift up the staff so that on the really hard days they have a soft praise to remind them of who they are and why they do what they do. Remind us that wonderful people come into our lives at the perfect moments. Keep the meaning and value of education in the front of our minds and in the hearts of our school staff. Remind us of the first day of school.
Check out this practical, straight to the point opinion piece about back to school advice for teachers, principals, parents, and school boards. I’m sure you will agree with many of the categories!